Sitting betwixt the legs of the elderberry roots, its eyes peered out. Not one, or two, or three, but eight at least, moving separately, then together, watching. Low to the ground, it moved, feelers out, stuffing mushrooms and cantaloupes into its pouches, preparing a spice to make from these links.

Su Jian – Mesmerizing environments with detail that, at times, seems to be held together with little more than a single brush stroke.

Formentera – Aerial photography of Formentera Island by Dimitar Karanikolov. Be sure to watch the lighthouse video at the end.

Decoys – Photos of decoys the Japanese used in WWII to fool the US Allied forces. Some mystery gadgets at the end.

Ornitographies – Birds in flight sequence shots born from photographer Xavi Bou’s long, memorable walks with his grandfather. (Scroll to the side.)

IM for VR – How will we interact with things within a VR environment? This example of short-form VR experiences provides a few ideas on the mecahnics.

Skateboard Chopping Knife – Damascus steel chopping knife with handle made from recycled skateboards. Loads more creations too.

Vehlinggo – Instagram user Steelberg creates awesome VHS covers for modern movies and TV shows.

Swingify – Turn any song into a swing song… or an oddly modulating version of the song.

Fav Deals This Week!
Deals to good to pass up for this week–A fresh new backpack from HP to charge your everything. A sweet lens for your iPhone, the perfect scissors and a small deal on Dell’s 23″ screen!
HP Powerup Backpack (Pre-order!)
iPhone Wide-Angle/Macro Lens (77% Off)
KOOQ 7-in-1 Shears (36% Off)
Dell 23″ LED Monitor (5% Off)

Lead me to you – Story of a missing girl, a music video from Tom Rosenthal, directed by Annlin Chao.


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.