A stick lattice fence grew against the prairie hills, looking half forgotten, but for the kempt hedgerow and berries picked clean. We watched for days wondering when their days started, ended and what they did between. It wasn’t that we meant to harvest them, but to learn how they moved. With lop-sided heads, half fur and nine legs we were convinced it had something to do with these links.

Juan Pablo Roldan – Out of this world art from Columbia-based artist, Juan Pablo Roldan, who is a master of ships alone, but chracter and environments as well.

Small World – The 2015 Nikon Small World in Motion winners, from microscopic organisms to soap film and much more.

Whisky sniff – Be the Whiskey snob you’ve always dreamt of being with this scratch-n-sniff book.

Fluid Sim – A fun little experiment from full stack developer Johann Troendle.

Bad Brains Chairlie Brown – Best mash-up ever. Charlie Brown set to one of Bad Brains more rockin’ tunes.

Before/After – How drawing skills change over the years with practice, hard work and persistence.

Gradient – For those who like a challenge, these 500 piece gradient puzzles should keep you busy for a little while or a long while.

Force Awakens Soundtrack – (Spotify) Even if you have been to see it yet, you can listen to the soundtrack, and yes, the score is done by John Williams.

Welded Insects – John Brown has quite the talent for welding up intricate sculptures of butterflies, birds, grasshoppers and other items from salvaged bits of metal.

Breathe slowly

Milk Carton Kids – Their amazing Lincoln Theater performance starts at 1:30.

YouTube video


Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.