Though 3D printing was slow to catch on when equipment was expensive and resources were hard to come by, we’re living in a different world now. 3D printing jobs are in demand.
3D Printing Jobs on the Rise
Many companies and private individuals are embracing the convenience and practicality that come with 3D printing. As the demand for services rises, so do the amount of 3D printing jobs in the industry.
The medical industry was perhaps one of the first passionate adopters of 3D printing technology. While the primary focus of 3D printing was mostly to create functional models that allowed surgeons to plan strategies for complicated procedures, 3D printing is now becoming just as prevalent for things like custom casts, braces, and prosthetics. We’re still a long way from entirely replacing conventional methods with 3D printed alternatives, but interest in doing so is continuing to rise.
If your interest in 3D printing overlaps with your interest in law, you can prove to be a valuable asset in court. Since many businesses and startups are utilizing 3D printing to generate products, patent concerns are popping up more frequently. Legal teams need individuals who are familiar with 3D printing technology to determine patent eligibility, as well as whether or not existing 3D printing related patents have been violated.
Since 3D printing has had a significant impact on new business, a lot of startups are looking to have product mockups or demonstrations made via 3D printing. They use these early first versions to make their pitch to investors. It’s easy to find these entrepreneurs on places like Gumtree, where they’re seeking out people who can help them fully conceptualize their ideas. These are essentially freelance jobs that have the potential to lead to long term work if the startup should receive the necessary funding to expand.
3D printing significantly drives down the costs of the drafting process for many contractors in the construction and architecture industries. When creating designs, these individuals are more likely to turn to 3D printing experts to create models that reflect their visions. They’re able to toy with more concepts before they decide on a final plan. In many instances, 3D printing models are replacing the traditional models, much like model building kits, used by these professionals in the past.
Many entrepreneurs are looking to create 3D printed products, such as wearable tech, that are both stylish and functional. They know what they want a product to do, but not necessarily how they want that product to look. This requires a hefty amount of research and development. Individuals who are great at bringing form to function will easily be able to find positions helping both of those worlds meet.
Convention culture among hobbyists is strong. Many 3D printing companies are offering their services at anime conventions and video game expos. People often arrive in costume, and they’re looking to commemorate that occasion. Many hobbyists already collect figurines of their favorite characters, and the option to have themselves created as one of those figurines is often too great to pass up. 3D scans and printing to create these figurines has become lucrative in recent times.
These same people are often looking to have props and costume pieces 3D printed to replicate the ones worn by their source character. 3D printers who offer these services rarely run out of work – the commitment of cosplayers can be astounding.
Since the industry is expanding, it needs more professionals. More people are interested in learning how to work in different aspects of the 3D printing field, which requires expert level educators. There aren’t a lot of 3D printers with a wealth of experience in the world, as the technology is still relatively new. This has created a significant demand for existing experts to become teachers.
It’s a great time to start or expand a career in 3D printing. There are likely other 3D printing jobs beyond the seven above. Interest is on the rise, and the modern consumer is beginning to realize the full potential 3D printing has to revolutionize the future.