For bike lovers who can’t get enough of anything bicycle related, Industrial Kid has designed a unique lamp that is the perfect home/office/anywhere addition. In fact, if anyone doubts your passion for cycling, we’re pretty sure this desk lamp will drive the point home.

Lights Influenced by Bikes is the brain-child of Budapest-based designer Peter Belso, who was developing a method for a chainless bicycle. With the leftover parts, he designed a fully functional lamp for his daughter.

“I originally created the desk lamp as a solution for may daughter who started school in 2013 and didn’t like sitting at the desk. Then, some friends asked me to create a lamp for their kids, so I started to make them in different colours. In 2015, I founded Industrial Kid with two friends to improve the original design and launch the bike desk lamp internationally.”

Leave it to friends to inspire a wildly successful business venture. The lamp features powder-coated flat steel handlebars and stem along with aluminum brake levers, a birch arm and base and a GU10 270-lumen LED housed in a uber-cool retro fixture. With ten different colors to choose from, each lamp can be customized to go with nearly any color scheme. Colors can be chosen for each part, including: the grips, brake levers, Bowden cable housing and stem.

The handcrafted birch wood base and arm are each unique as well, with a varying grain pattern on each, and can be stained, varnished or dyed based on personal preference. Peter is currently crowd-funding Lights Influenced by Bikes through a campaign on Indigogo with a base pledge of $99, however those that pledge $149 or $179 can get either a chrome or copper limited edition lamp with only ten available for each.






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