industrial-design-solidworksIt may not be enough that you know how to sort desktop folders, write a cordial email or sketch a straight line, you may actually need to know some software that allows others to see what’s going on in the recesses of your analytically-primed imagination.

There are hundreds of software apps that help Industrial Designers and Engineers, but what do you need to learn to get a top position in the Industrial Design field? Photoshop and Illustrator would be on most people’s lists, but what about 3D?

Jason Morris, assistant professor at WWU Industrial Design, took on the task of identifying the top software for industrial design professionals. The findings were taken from nine issue of the IDSA perspective for positions specifically as industrial designers.


The top ID software?
From a small group of nearly 200 job posting for ID’ers, SolidWorks came in third for software listed in job openings with 29 mentions. Alias (nurbs-based) came in came in next followed by Pro/E and get this…Rhino. This surprised me. I would have guessed that Rhino would be the 3D package of choice for ID shops. Basically because it’s cheap and has a strong user base, but, I’m thinkin’, what it lacks in regards to SolidWorks, is the link to engineering.

What this means for Engineers
With ID firms that use SolidWorks, the transition of the design, nay, even the detail of the design is going to transfer far more seamless into production. Changes back and forth? The process is easier. Even though this chart is a small sample, I think it’s a good view of what programs are linking industries that are multi-disciplinary. For Engineers and ID’ers alike, at least the ones using SolidWorks, this is going to make your jobs easier.

Do you as an engineer or designer see this link?

Via Core77 and Develop3D
Image via Product Design Forums


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.