Their blog is no less and has been one of my favorite to read some time. A group of their latest latest articles not only give you insight into manufacturing, but really show the talent and breadth of the Ponoko blogging crew and what they write about.
Selling tips – the 2nd thing you need to do to attract search engine traffic
There are a number of basic things you need to do to promote yourself and sell online.
Ingenious post, not only for selling, but for discussing the basic seed of success for any website, “promotion”. This really hits on the most important aspects of a site and will get you thinking about ways to promote or re-invent your product or service.
How much material does the laser burn away?
This week I sought to try and quantify the kerf of our laser cutter, or how much material the laser cutter burns away when cutting specific materials.
The detail in design. If you’ve ever wondered about how much to allow for laser cutting or just have an interest in the manufacturing process, you’ll get a lot out of this post that details the specifics.
Folksonomy is a classification scheme that uses wisdom of crowd rather than experts to parse content.
Obscure huh? I imagine, however, that you use this type of organization everyday. To me it’s the more natural way of finding information and the way that our brains actually organize information and remember it. Doing the same thing online? Check out the post.