Deep with in the dark crevasses of time, there were other, smaller crevasses and deep within those, there lived a people. A people so furry, they were known only by one name. A name we do not know. Anyway, they lived rich and bountifully off the land, all thanks to the SolidSmack Cool Tools of Doom n’ Stuff. Have something cool you’ve come across? Don’t hide it in your neck skin! Send it on in to Kick it!
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Cool Tools of Doom: 1:07 from EvD Media on Vimeo.
The SolidSmack Cool Tools of Doom n’ Stuff is GO. This video is a sub-5 minute feature of some of the coolest finds we’ve discovered on the web.
This week look at:
Moni wallshelf – There’s nothing like a sturdy wall shelf to curl up on, read a book, fall asleep, with your cat, and the Moni wallshelf by Estudio Carme Pinos is one of the most versatile. 2mm thick folded sheet steel, easily mounted to your embarrassingly bar wall and expanded. NICE.
Claude Planters – And stepping into your atrium of tropicals and rare mosses, we bring you the Claude Planters from West Elm, beautifully design pots for your poinsettias or passion fruit. On sale now at West Elm for CHEAP.
Snapseed – We love taking photos that don’t suck and there are two apps that help with just that. Snapseed has some of the best features for novice or professional. Intuitive, precise, versatile and works with full resolution image enhancements for an extra awesome look. On iTunes for $4.99.
Photoforge2 – Photoforge2 is another app you’ll want to check out for your photo taking, photo manipulating needs. Layer support, full resolution, filters and plenty of adjustment options. You can even edit the photo meta data. Get it on iTunes for $2.99.
Monitor Workspace – Yes, if you’re like Adam, you probably have things strewn across your desk. There’s a solution for that. Multiple solutions (and Josh needs it more.) Lifehacker has six simple projects to put more space in your place. From hard-drive and cable holders to laptop racks. Get. it. done.
DIY Solar Charger – And for those portable devices, let’s say you need a charger, let’s say you totally dig solar panels, and let’s say you have a spare Altoids tin to build a mini Solar USB charger! Joshua Zimmerman shows you how in this Instructable. Construct it using some very basic tools and all for under $20.
ROCK AWESOMENESS – If you love infographics, how would you like a place to share and even create them. Yes, is the site that calms that twitch in your eye with information sifted through colorful illustration. Lots to see and a cool web-app to make your own. Get your fix at
Bacon. Crust. Pizza. – Three words. Bacon. Crust. Pizza. Shall we sing it? Yeah, let’s sing it. There is bacon on my crust. That’s not crust! That’s PURE BACON. Bacon crust? Actually, the whole bottom’s made with Bacon! Made with Bacon? Made with bacon. MADE WITH BACON! Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
What’s on cadjunkie?
Classical guitars baby! Learn the process of… Wait, the entire process? YES, the entire process of modeling them, rendering them in modo, step-by-step via video. No!? Where?!
What’s on Engineer vs Designer?
This week on EngineerVsDesigner. Oh BOY! Episode 52! One year in the trenches with Adam, shooting our mouths off and interviewing the coolest guest. This week we battle over the soul of Grayson Twigg, a recent grad wondering if he should go into Engineering or Design… or Engineering. on iTunes or at
Ask SolidSmack
And there you have it! Send your cool tool finds to Or ask us a question in the comments or via email about diy, design, tech or anything else. Smoth would love to help.
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