T-Splines is holding a contest. Yes, a modeling contest using T-Splines for Rhino. The winner will be chosen from the best models in the categories of consumer products, architecture, marine, jewelry, toys, and vehicular design. It can be submitted as a T-Splines, Rhino, SolidWorks, Pro/E, Spaceclaim or Inventor file.
The Prize? An iPad and V-ray for Rhino. Ready?
What is/are T-Splines?
T-Spines brings polygon modeling to Rhino… but you wouldn’t even know it. It’s smooth and takes your curve cares away. If you’ve never used T-Spines before, drop that chimichanga and go download T-Splines I say! You’ll want to get Rhino too. (free evals on both)

Some things to help:
Tutorial Videos
Free models
Tutorial forum
begineer webinars
All set? Get the details and send in your submissions here.