Wel, well, well. Onshape features this year to date? A buck 0′ two. That’s right, Onshape has passed the 100 mark with a small nod and rumors of cookie dough ice cream for all Onshape employees over the next month on everyday that ends in ‘Y’.

It’s a modest update, a modest update of MASSIVE SHEET METAL AND VARIABLE FILLET ENORMITY with a splash of toolbar customization thrown in to make all us static toolbar haters happy. High-fives.

You can see the past update history and catch the latest on the Onshape What’s New page.

Here, we pick our ‘Top 3 Onshape Updates’ and provide a quick overview of each. To see our previous picks, visit our New Onshape Features page. Tell us which one you like the best, which need work, or if we picked the completely wrong features!

The Stats:
Total Updates: 7
Total Updates YTD: 102

Top 3 Onshape Updates (09.08.17)

Sheet Meta Tab – Create tabs in sheet metal parts.  You can create multiple tabs with a single feature and you can define a subtraction scope for subtracting tabs from other sheet metal parts.

Variable Fillet – A new option in the Fillet command now allows you to create a fillet with a variable radius.

Sheet  Metal Corner/Bend Relief Size – You can now specify a size for sheet metal corner and bend reliefs. In the past, this was limited to a scale factor.

Other updates

Customize Toolbar – You can now customize the toolbars in the Part Studio, Assembly, and Feature Studio environments.

Note Improvements – The Note command in Onshape Drawings can now be used to create both a normal Note and a Note with Leader.

Phantom Tangent Edges – You can now show tangent edges in drawing views as “Phantom” edges.

Drawing View Section Performance – Section Views in Onshape Drawings will now be cached. This should improve section view performance and lead to a noticeable decrease in load times of drawings with section views.


You can see videos and screenshots that breakdown each new features here. We’ll be keeping a closer eye on what Onshape is releasing with each update, so let us know what features you’re watching for or want to see the most!

Ask questions and talk about Onshape on SmackTalk!  Our new community site!


Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.