SolidWorks World already seems like it was in the distant past, but in reality, it was just six weeks ago. However, now’s your chance to experience SolidWorks World all over again, or maybe even for the first time. Each and every break-out session and presentation that took place at SolidWorks World 2014 is now available to consume at your own rate, directly from their website.

Did you hear about an amazing break-out session from one of your co-workers? Do you want to check if a specific SolidWorks community member presented this year? Maybe you’ve never been to SolidWorks World and just want to check out what all the hubbub is about? Now you can indulge in hours upon hours of presentations on everything SolidWorks. 

Even those who were in attendance at this year’s SolidWorks World can now catch up on the break-out sessions they inevitably missed due to the whirl-wind nature of the conference. While you’re there browsing for your favorite topics, be sure to search for the presentation by SolidBox‘s very own Christopher Castle entitled Master Model Workflow on Complex Weldment and Sheet Metal Assemblies.


SolidWorks World is a chance to meet up with old friends, make new ones, and hopefully learn something along the way. It’s impossible to catch every single break-out session during the conference, but luckily, now we can at least catch up on the ones we really wished we could have attended. Click here to be taken to the SolidWorks World Proceedings page to begin searching for your favorite topics.

This post is sponsored by SolidBox. Your source for servers, desktops, and laptops configured specifically for SolidWorks and Mastercam. Feature image via Michael Lord
