I’m scared to look back in our ‘Model of the Week’ archive. Wait a minute! I know for certain that (almost) all of the 3D prints we feature are in the upper echelon of the most useful things for human beings EVER. For the one (or two) that slipped by, the proper shaming will ensue. Until then, we’re printing out a BUNCH of these.

Stop Printing Crap

Like Dave Hakkens, we were enamored with 3D printing. We too printed useless crap. Call it a phase, call it learning, but our shelf of useless prints now has more dust than the belly of an oversize cat wiped beneath a sofa. Unlike Dave, we still sat idly by and let others print crap, while Dave took action. Now, we’re sharing his results, his guilt, his resolution and his 3D print. It’s a reminder to Stop Printing Crap.

See, it even says it – Stop Printing Crap – so it’s completely legit and not contradictory at all. It’s also free to download on Thingiverse. He printed it using his Davinci printer. As Dave says, “having a factory at your fingertips comes with a responsibility.” and if you like that video above, he has other videos about his adventures in making.

Oh, there are a lot of good comments about this print on Thingiverse, but the best one has got to be this ‘Stop Printing Crap’ fidget spinner. Perfection.

Thanks to Dries Vervoort for sharing this! Have a model you think everyone needs? Share the link and details with us here!


Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.