Those dreams where you walk into the office and giant flowers open up to shed rays of light on you, yeah, those dreams might become a reality. “Can it be daisies?” Suuuuure, if you want it to be daisies, it can be daisies.

3lobit has been doing the 3D print thang since early 2017, working on the practical possibilities of 3D printing — things that are usable in everyday life. Although their focus has been on the production of original jewelry, products, and prototypes, they’ve spun up projects, the first of which is FLOLA, a very unique lamp design.

YouTube video

You’re getting some ideas now, huh? From a single controller, you can both open/close the shade and adjust the intensity of the light. The example you see here has been in operation for over two years.  As you may surmise, it’s a 3D print and electronics project put together.

There are a total of 21 3D print parts and a handful of electronics parts you’ll need, including an Arduino nano 3.0, mini-breadboards, limit switch, rover switch, plus a stepper motor and Aurduino-powered motor driver, which Brainy Bits provides instructions for. The FLOLA instructions lay out the parts and though they lack step-by-step construction detail, they do provide the Arduino code and PCB files.

Because I like natural shapes which arean embodiment of grace and perfection to me, I have decided to base the project FLOLA on a bloom design that can open and close and thus change the atmosphere and intimacy of lighting.

The FLOLA lamp version you see in the video was printed on an ULTIMAKER 3 3D Printer at a 0.2mm layer height.

YouTube video
How to Use The FLOLA Lamp

Typically, we try to source FREE models, but this one is just such a great project and, although it could do with some more details on the construction, we thought it worth the $20 price (plus 90% goes to the designer). You can get all the details here on MyMiniFactory and learn more about what 3lobit does right here.

Have a model you think everyone needs? Share the link and details with us here!

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Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.