As you may recall, last week 3D Systems announced the plans to acquire Geomagic, whose product list includes haptic devices, along with scanning, inspection and design software, the latest of which being Geomagic Spark, a collaboration between Spaceclaim and Geomagic that integrates Geomagics’s point and mesh processing tools into SpaceClaim’s 3D direct modeling environment. Rapidform, acquired by 3D Systems in October of 2012, didn’t think too much of the new software and let loose a string of daily tweets that was reminiscent of comments sent out after the announcement by PTC about Project Lightning. Here’s the string of comments both pre and post Geomagic acquisition.

Rapidform vs Geomagic

You’ll find people all over the web on both sides of the scan-to-model camp, choosing Rapidform for modeling or going with Geomagic for its inspection, along with people who use both with their CAD software. Geomagic Spark hit the sweet spot for people who need a good combination of modeling and processing. When the news about Spark hit on November 28th, apparently Rapidform didn’t think too much of it.

Before the acquisition…

and then after the acquistion…

Indeed, we’re happy to see the positive reaction as well. *Grin* Just goes to show that you never know if the company who bought you will buy a competitor.

Will 3D Systems acquire Spaceclaim?

In a way, 3D Systems has acquired Spaceclaim technology via the purchase of Geomagic. It does stand to reason though, with Geomagic Spark and the close relationship that Spaceclaim has with Geomagic, that Spaceclaim could be in the running for an acquisition by, idunno, 3D Systems. They certainly have the funds. They also have Alibre, a 3D modeling system acquired in July 2011. Do they need another modeling system?

Image via Someecards


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.