“Son, that boy is faster at sketchin’ some 3D than a greased zebra chasin’ a three-legged yak.” Now wouldn’t you want to be described like that? Well, there’s more to being fast in SolidWorks, than flipping through commands and some fancy assembly tricks.

The System Options have a few setting that are not always used, but could make you quicker if they were. After this you’ll be moving faster in sketches, dimensioning and finding parts and features than you ever were before. Go greased Zebra, go.

Quicker with Concepts
System Options, Sketch, Override dimensions on Drag/Move – I never see this set, but if you use this, you’ll be able to edit your dimensions and move sketched entities around, as long as they are not related to something else. This is just for dimensioned sketch entities, so it can make conceptualizing much quicker.

Quicker with Dimensioning
System Options, Sketch, Set Driven by default – Set this to automatically turn an over-defining dimension into a driven (reference) dimension. This always comes in handy if you want some extra data about your sketches. It can also help with getting a sketch fully-defined. When you right-click on a dimension, you can toggle the driven state, i.e. turn a dimension on and off.

Quicker with Files
System Options, File Locations, Design Library [in the pulldown] – Add a Local Directory to the Design Library. Do this so you don’t have to access or load data from a server when you just want to see if a part or library feature will work in your model. I do this a lot to test out Library Features before adding them to the library on the server.

Quicker with Finding
System Options, FeatureManager, Scroll selected item into View – Do you ever right click on a part and select Go to Feature (in tree)? Yeah, you can stop doing that so much, with this Option. This will expand the FeatureManager (FM) to the part you have selected. No more scanning through the FM trying to find that Bracket080222XX9. Phew!

Quicker with Viewing
System Options, View – There’s some default setting in this area that can make things really slow, especially if you have an older graphics card. In this section, you want to crank everything up to… FAST. Even better, you could turn it off. This makes everyone else look really slow and you look really fast.

So now you’re faster than everyone. It’s time to do the nice thing and go share it with everyone. I heard there’s some others that people use. Have any ideas what they are?


Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.