SolidWorks World 2010 is over… I jest, it actually hasn’t started, but a week from now at this time, it will be over and I, along with many others, will be dragging blistered feet from an Anaheim, California hotel bed to shed the light we gleaned from SolidWorks World on our friends, family and supermarket clerks.

There is some juicy news I’m thinking we’ll here about and some we will definitely be covering. So, what is it you wanna know? Here are a few possible topics and some things in general to be on the look out for.

– Top 10 SolidWorks Enhancement Requests
– SolidWorks 2011 Features
– CATIA translation
– Backwards compatibility
– Apple Mac compatibility
– 3D on the Web
– 3D Printing
– CSWP Event
– DS/SolidWorks Partnerships/Acquisitions
– James Cameron Keynote
– Partner Pavilion Tech
– SolidWorks World 2011

Over the next week, keep a eye on the SolidSmack feed, and if you’re on Twitter, be watching @solidsmack and the SolidWorks World hashtag #SWW10 for all the updates.


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.