So far, there’s little information escaping the glass edifice of the DS headquarters, except for the occasional tweet (#DSDEVCON09) and the typical press release that doesn’t get into the intense grittiness we enjoy. We’ve had mention of the following. Interested in one of them? Let me know and I’ll release the hounds to get all the info we can manage to fit into a family size can of green beans.
What’s being talked about
- 42 new V6 products (only??)
- 3DVia app for the iPhone
- Multi-touch PLM demo
- Objet Connex 500 multi-material printing
- New partners: Mydeco, Dosch design, Wirecare
- Dassault alliance with BluKiwi (‘Enterprise Social Software’)
- Cloud Modeling with Live Shape (a staircase)
- Server-based 3d photorealism (Mental Images)
PS. all these topics, I got via the DSDEVCON09 twitter stream, not off the web, or email or conference notes. keep tweetin’ folks.