Perhaps you’re one of those fine folks who enjoys a leisurely ride around your village in a tweed suit and impeccably-kept vintage bicycle (the real kind, not the re-issues). For most riders, having that much cool-factor is borderline uncomfortable, and I’m sure the tweed suit doesn’t help make the riding comfortable either. For the rest of us, the Concept 1865 Velocipede brings the best of both worlds into one seamless machine: the form factor of the original 19th century two-wheeled vehicle with today’s modern bicycle materials. Tweed suit optional.

Yesterday’s Design, Today’s Materials

Founded nearly 150 years ago in 1865, BASF Chemicals wanted to do a special project that celebrates today’s material advancements. The German high-tech paint and materials company reached out to design studio DING 3000 to bring the classic 19th century Velocipede back to life using…you guessed it: BASF’s cutting-edge materials. Surely we’ve seen some material improvements since the 19th century, so DING 3000 approached the project like a modern-day E-bike design using some of the most advanced materials on the market today. Featuring an electric drive, puncture-proof tires, and a nicely-concealed battery under the seat, the design serves as a symbol of the technological advancements that we’ve seen since before the Industrial Revolution (only the brake, axles, and motor are made from metal). The heat-molded frame, fork, and stem units are made from reinforced continuous-filament carbon fiber fabrics from BASF:

‘BASF does not want to reinvent the wheel with the design study Concept 1865. Under the theme “Rethinking material” the unusual e-bike is rather an invitation to customers and other interested parties to develop together with the company’s new product ideas and applications based on modern plastics. Thus, BASF Experience: Since its foundation in 1865 the company is researching new chemical products and support customers from various industries in the successful implementation of their ideas.’

YouTube video

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For more detailed info on the specific materials and the bike itself, DING 3000 has a highly informative PDF of the project.

(Images via DING 3000)


Simon is a Brooklyn-based industrial designer and Managing Editor of EVD Media. When he finds the time to design, his focus is on helping startups develop branding and design solutions to realize their product design vision. In addition to his work at Nike and various other clients, he is the main reason anything gets done at EvD Media. He once wrestled an Alaskan alligator buzzard to the ground with his bare hands… to rescue Josh.