Embarking on a journey through the vast world of Destiny 2 can be an exciting and challenging experience. To help you make the most of your adventure, we have compiled a list of essential tips and strategies. From quick map navigation to maximizing your power level and making smart decisions with loot and quests, these insights will assist you in optimizing your gameplay.

The best way to succeed in the game is to read the dedicated guides, practice a lot and use boosting services. Whether you’re a seasoned Guardian or a newcomer to the Destiny universe, these tips will prove invaluable as you strive to become a legend in the game. Using the tips from the article, a boosting site, and devoting some time to training, any player can become a professional gamer.

Quick map opening

Adding an in-game map is one of the most important changes in Destiny 2. Opening the map no matter where you are or what you are doing to see all the ongoing events, the location of the Lost Sectors, or the next available adventures is incredibly convenient. However, did you know there is an even faster way to open the map? Instead of holding the select button for a few seconds, hold Start and Select simultaneously (on the joystick), and your map will open immediately.

Journey to Strength 260+

You will get various tokens and other materials as you explore the EDZ and other planets. You may be tempted to spend them sooner, but you don’t have to. It is possible to reach 260 strength using only blue engrams, which should be your priority. Almost every action you take in the game rewards blue engrams, but the best ways to get them are through public events and farming the Lost Sector. As you work up to 260+ power, keep accumulating tokens before you can spend them. This should give you a nice boost depending on how much you have collected.

Loot from the Lost Sector

When discussing farming the Lost Sector, you must understand that this is not about a single entry. After clearing it, you can return there more than once after a certain time. This will come in handy for leveling up to 260 strength. You can switch from public events to the Lost Sector to quickly get new equipment.

Subclass assignments

During the game, you can get special relics. This happens at various times, but usually at levels 8-9 and 14-15. They allow you to unlock the second and third subclasses, respectively. You must complete PvE and PvP quests to charge the relic 100% and then complete a special mission to unlock the subclass.

You must complete these tasks as quickly as possible because you first need to open the second one to unlock the third subclass.

Deciphering Legendary and Exotic ASAP Engrams

In the first part, it made sense not to decipher the engrams to get the most out of them at high levels. This no longer makes sense in Destiny 2, as an engram’s power is determined when it is received, not after decrypted. This means you need to open these engrams as quickly as possible to get the most out of them. This also applies to exotic engrams, which can drop even early on. There is no need to store them until level 20 because the power from this will not become higher. If you got an engram at level 3, open it at level 3 to increase your overall strength.

Save Scout Rifles for Exotic Quest

When you play Destiny 2, you accumulate a lot of different equipment. Many immediately dismantle everything superfluous to get materials, and this makes sense. But early on in the game, you should make an exception for the Rare or Legendary quality Scout Rifles you find. The reason for this is an exotic quest that will reward you with a splendid rifle. To complete it, you need to dismantle five high-quality rifles.

Postpone World Quests Until Strength 260+

This advice is optional, but if you want to increase your power level most effectively, it is better to refrain from completing world tasks to 260+. By completing these missions, you can obtain an exotic weapon that will increase your strength to 270 and above if your level is high enough. Exotic equipment is one of the main ways to increase strength further.

Treasure maps from Kayda-6

Once you’ve beaten the campaign and completed the Patrol quest given by Kaid-6, you can buy EDZ Treasure Maps from him. You can find special boxes in which various items are stored on them. These chests can drop loot for 260+ strength, so if you want to optimize your development, it makes sense not to buy these cards until you reach 260 strength again, only if you want to optimize strength as much as possible.

Smart Merge

The fusion system is making a comeback in Destiny 2, and luckily, it works so that you get 100% of the power. However, one exception is certain weapon mods add +5 to your weapon’s damage. For example, if the basic attack is 260, then after merging with the mod, it will become 265. Therefore, it is better to pour these modifications into the weapon itself. You should also remember that if you pour a weapon with a mod installed into another weapon, you will not receive a bonus.


As you dive deeper into the immersive world of Destiny 2, these tips and strategies will undoubtedly enhance your gameplay experience. Remember, Destiny 2 is a vast and dynamic universe, and these tips will serve as valuable tools in your quest for greatness.
