I’ve been self-employed for over eight years. For those who’ve never tried, it’s way harder than you think. But it’s worth it. 10am Lunch I can work anywhere. A month in Hawaii? Aloha. Six weeks exploring Greece? Pass the souvlaki. Six months in the UK? So long as there’s Wifi, cue the dancing beefeaters. I…
Strap an unnecessary amount of shiny metal objects to your clothing and take a swig of intensity. We’re about to step inside the realm of very vague advice… and then totally slam it with the most practical information your fingers have ever bleed scrapping to get a hold of. Out of all the practices in…
News travels fast up har in the hills and mountains o’ CAD country… stimulatin’ news… news on the magnitude of HUGE and TIMELY. This is just such news. SolidWorks announced at SolidWorks World 2009 the enormous plans of helping every ailing engineer that has meet the cold hand of unemployment. The SolidWorks Engineering Stimulus Package…
I was working on a somebody’s computer this morning and their email notification kept popping up asking you to choose to go to the email or not. For one thing, that was incredibly annoying, and incredibly inefficient for another. A little experiment So it made me want to offer up a little experiment to show…
This isn’t going to tell you what to put on your resume, how to dress or what to say. This is going to show you what you can do right now without even setting up an interview, making a call or going out to buy a new outfit. It’s really easy and you’re probably closer…
Man, that looks painful huh. This is the cover art on a CD of a band I listen to called Norma Jean. Do you ever feel like this? A lot of times you’ll get demands from work or a client that just seem completely unreasonable. You can dish out a sarcastic attitude and get a…