While most of us may have picked up a ‘101 things to (fill in the blank) before you die’ book at some point or another, none of those books have had the charismatic charm of an ‘Experience Passport’. Designed by Communication Designer Alex Egner, the Passport offers the design undergrad students at the University of…
The well-orchestrated ‘Low-Tech Factory’ contains a selection of machines designed by Bachelor’s and Master’s students of Industrial Design and Products at a workshop led by industrial designers Chris Kabel and Tomás Král at the ECAL University of Art in Switzerland. Now, if only all manufacturing processes could be this charming….
Well, that’s it. You and the design school that spit you out… suck. Toss that portfolio in the rubbish heap. Gadi Amit, president of NewDealDesign in San Francisco has an article this week over at Fast Co.Design called American Design Schools Are a Mess, and Produce Weak Graduates. Agree or Disagree?