Aiming at becoming the flagship store for the UK Makers Community, the iMakr store is getting ready for their highly-anticipated grand opening later this month. As previously reported by SolidSmack, the store will stock all things Maker on two stories of retail space. However most importantly, will it be an early example of the ‘office supply store’ of the future as 2D printers and paper become increasingly obsolete and personal manufacturing takes over?
iMakr: The Maker’s Retail Store
While iMakr is keeping things hush leading up to the grand opening, here is what we know will definitely be spread out over the 2500 sq feet of retail space:
- 3D Printers from all the main manufacturers from Europe, US, and Asia
- 3D Scanners (from open source to professional-quality)
- 3D Printed Objects (will include a variety from featured product designers, fashion designers, and artists)
- 3D Printing Filaments and Accessories
- 3D Service Bureaus
- 3D Startups
- 3D Software
Location and MeetUp RSVP
Located in Farringdon, Central London, this looks like an event that shouldn’t be missed by any makers or designers in the area. It appears that there may be limited spots for the opening, however the RSVP is open to anybody through MeetUp.