Crooked fence posts propped up its torso and surly demeanor, clanking a grin as spindles and pumps whirred beneath the translucent neck skin. A movement would send tremors, with keg like mechanisms hitting the ground and spreading light from the cracks of these links.

Ivan Smirnov – Super playful, colorful scenes full of all sorts of interesting characters, robots, ships, subs, vehicles and aircraft.

Hot Wheels Roadtrip – This is all kinds of brilliant and so well executed. A GoPro Hero4 Session strapped to the top of a Hot Wheels car.

Make it Stranger – Enjoy the Stranger Things series? Well, you’ll enjoy this site to make your own Stranger Things logo with the beautiful Benguiat typeface.

Kitten Wedding – There’s nothing like seeing the odd sculptures of an eccentric taxidermist up close. You’ll want to see more photos of his work too.

Parisian Floors – Photgrapher Sebastian Frras likes to travel and likes to take photos of strange and wonderful floors. Over 400 more on the Parisianfloors Instagram.

Destino – Did you know about this? In 1945 Walt Disney and Salvador Dali collaborated on an amazing shortfilm that melds the two styles together perfectly.

Spaceplan – is ‘an incrementally themed experimental piece of interaction based partly on Jake Hollands’ total misunderstanding of Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time.’ Thanks Ian.

Fav Deals This Week!
Deals to good to pass up for this week–That GoPro in the video above, Sugru, a sweet LED desk lamp, a must have battery case and awesome deal on a camera drone!
GoPro Hero4 Session ($199)
Sugru Moldable Glue (36% Off)
LE Dimmable LED Desk Lamp (62% Off)
Mophie Juice Pack Battery Case (50% Off)
Voyager Drone with HD Camera (50% Off)

Way Down We Go – The Icelandic group has a debut album and a debut song. This is the video. Or watch the one where they play the song Þríhnúkagígur volcano.

YouTube video


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.