The boatswain sounding his whistle called the ship to arms, and found us a tailwind with the call. It was gaining on us, visible one moment, gone the next. It wasn’t the fire, the rapacious devouring holler or the balls of moss it threw that bothered, but the constant popping of its boiling skin that put the fear of the sea in us, a popping that confronted us with these links.
Nivanh Chanthara – Lots of great new bot and mecha sketches, floating, masked and as mechanical as they come, yet enchantingly human.
Thriller Map – Not that Thriller. The map of James Bond’s exploits and assignments as illustrated by writer Ian Fleming.
The Upsidedown – One of my favorite tribute posters for the Netflix series Stranger Things. Captures the show so well.
Blank Windows – Just moving blank windows around within your browser window. Go fullscreen for ultimate blank window moving enjoyment. Resize. Right click to save an image.
8K Color of New York – Turns out New York City is quite big, and quite colorful, as captured in Kyoung Sop Choi’s timelapse.
Gluten-free Museum – What if all the great masterpieces where stripped on all that horrible gluteny wheatness? Not quite the same?
Earth Fall – This is how long it would take to fall THROUGH the Earth, removing some of the obvious physical and gravitational barriers.
Human:Nature – New sculptures for Christopher David White’s upcoming solo show at the Abmeyer+Wood gallery in Seattle, Washington.
Statham Kicks – Every one of Jason Statham kicks compiled into one video equals over 7 minutes and 30 seconds of carnage.
Fav Deals This Week!
Deals to good to pass up for this week–-A sweet knife, an outlet/usb charger to replace the one you got with that phone and node.js to make your own web app!
T3 Tactical Tool (25% Off)
CyberPower 3-Outlet, 2-USB Charger (36% Off)
Node.js Course (90% Off)
Cinnamon – From SolidSmack Radio earlier this week, Palehound from their album Dry Food.