“Tim! Shut the door!” Brin always made the crew nervous before a launch. She was on edge most the time, but always after a particularly messy run in with Lorackian pod hoppers from the outer reaches. This time, we would all be strapped in, ready to fire the blast rockets, when the attack came. We did, and just in time, burning them all to a small pile of these links.

Erik Johansson – He creates the most surreal photo compositions with the most recent being among the best. Behind the scene videos for some as well.

Carrd – This is a slick one page website site you can set up for yourself, your company, your app or your pet, and do it all in about 10 minutes.

Futurama Cover – The theme song to Futurama, all the instruments, as played by one man band SquidPhysics

Miniature Treehouses – These are a bunch of miniature treehouses by artist Jedediah Voltz. How big are they? Well, they’re built around house plants.

Bravest Warriors – Did you know all the Bravest Warriors was on Youtube? Now you do.

Camera Play – This interactive camera mini-site from Canon teaches all about camera settings and tells you what to do if the picture came out wonky.

High Velocity Aerial – Blue Sky Aerial has an incredible gyro system for shooting fighter jets at 300 knots per hour. This is the film montage.

GoT 360 – 360 degree immersive viewing experience for the Game of Thrones opening credits.

China over 100 Years – Things probably haven’t changed much in China in 100 years, right? Well, some have, as seen in these photo comparisons by Dheera Venkatraman.

Ma’agalim – From Jane Bordeaux’s new song, featuring a wood doll stuck in a penny arcade in the direction, modeling and rigging of Uri Lotan.


Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.