You may look at the headline and ask, “Wait, what does he mean by 25 pieces of furniture from six pieces”? And to this, I say, “It’s easier if I just show you.”

VARIA furniture set

VARIA isn’t some math-defining furniture set, but rather set made from six pieces: 2 stools, 2 barstools (one with a removable cabinet slot), 1 slab of wood, and 1 full-length mirror. It is from these six unlikely pieces that you can create the 25 pieces as mentioned above of furniture.

VARIA furniture set VARIA furniture set VARIA furniture set

A table can be made using the barstools as legs and the wood as the table’s body. If you want something smaller, you can replace the barstools with the smaller stools, effectively creating a nightstand. Depending on your creativity and the number of VARIA pieces you have, the more furniture possibilities present themselves.

YouTube video

The idea for this adaptable furniture set came about when the creators, Jaime and Laura, started living in their apartments after finishing college. After moving from place to place, they discovered how certain pads needed specific types of furniture while others didn’t.

Upon further inspection, they realized certain pieces of furniture had the same measurements. By creating adaptable frames and accessories with similar measurements, apartment dwellers, Airbnb rentals, and homeowners can find a use for VARIA.

The light metal frames are welded together and are scratch-resistant, meaning they won’t break down as quickly as some of the stuff you buy at IKEA. As for the accessories attached to the frames, they are made from real wood and not the pressed wood which peels like old wallpaper.

The VARIA Kickstarter project has been successful, with a current funding of $21,031 surpassing its initial $17,000 goal. More details on this versatile furniture set can be found on VARIA’s Kickstarter page.


Carlos wrestles gators, and by gators, we mean words. He also loves good design, good books, and good coffee.