Animal trophy heads or skulls have adorned the mantle of many a freemason’s living room over the years. Whether their presence has helped solidify an aura of mystery and manliness that some crave or is a sentimental object that’s been handed down over generations, few could have probably ever imagined what a trophy head would look like during the tech age or through the eyes of a motorcycle enthusiast.
An engineer by trade, Eran Peled of Israel spends his days working in industrial plants designing various metal support systems, Peled naturally enjoys working with metal – whether it involves welding parts, cutting and getting his hands dirty with greasing bolts.
However – as much as he loves his job and working with metal – he loves motorcycles even more.
“For me, motorcycles are not just vehicles, they represent a way of living; taking part in almost every facet of our lives,” he says. “They are my true passion.”
As one might expect, it was only a matter of time before Peled decided to pair his two favorite things – metal and motorcycles into an obscure object.
“I wanted to design an object that when on display, immediately conveys a strong statement of who you are as a person – your lifestyle and your background.”
The result is the Toro Custom Motor-Head Lamp.
The Toro is constructed from genuine custom motorcycle parts and looks as if it was cut directly off of an actual motorcycle. Depending on the nature of the order, elements of the design are altered in order to closely mimic the desired shape of a bull’s head and all of the units are made in a local Tel Aviv custom motorcycle workshop.
In the case that you might have ACDC or Motorhead running through your veins 24/7, The Toro just might be the perfect missing piece for your living room wall.
Head over the Toro website for more info.