Depending on your stance (and age) towards technology (and whether you have kids or not), Pokémon GO is either a welcome new fixture in your home life or you’re doing everything you can to avoid it. Regardless, the augmented reality game has ushered in a new style of gameplay that adds a layer of interactivity to reality. In any case, if we’re going to be forced into ushering in a new era of augmented reality games on smartphones, we may as well try and keep one foot grounded in traditional physical activities, too.

As a board game that connects the physical and digital gaming worlds together, KOSKI combines actual toy blocks and a virtual app together to create a hybrid gameplay experience. Powered by a “magical mirror” (AKA an iPad) to look onto the wooden blocks, the app uses object recognition to reveal hidden worlds, characters, and stories within the blocks that players can interact with.

Designed by recent Royal College of Art graduate Václav Mlyná, the game is his final year project for his MA Design Products course:




No word yet on if Mlyná plans to put the game into production, but he most definitely should. In the meantime, check out the rest of the talented designer’s portfolio over at Studio deForm.


Simon is a Brooklyn-based industrial designer and Managing Editor of EVD Media. When he finds the time to design, his focus is on helping startups develop branding and design solutions to realize their product design vision. In addition to his work at Nike and various other clients, he is the main reason anything gets done at EvD Media. He once wrestled an Alaskan alligator buzzard to the ground with his bare hands… to rescue Josh.