I know all y’all SOLIDWORKS users have been loosing sleep over one thing and one thing only since February 2019. Why, in the pit of Elroy’s belly, did Dassault Systemes go and fiddle with the name of the beloved SOLIDWORKS World brand, changing it to 3DEXPERIENCE World?

Well, it’s been a few, seven months since SOLIDWORKS World 2019 where CEO of Dassault Systèmes SOLIDWORKS, Gian Paolo Bassi (GP), announced that SOLIDWORKS World 2020 would be called 3DEXPERIENCE World 2020 and here’s a bag. The announcement of the change sent ripples through the SOLIDWORKS community with some excited for the change and others vowing never to return to the conference.

It warranted an explanation. And now, just prior to all the activity surrounding next year’s event (taking place February 9-12, 2020 in Nashville, baby!), GP has put his thoughts together on the SOLIDWORKS blog, “Explaining the Evolution to 3DEXPERIENCE World”.

He begins with a central concept:

We want our major event to be a reflection and showcase of the deep transformation that we, at SOLIDWORKS, have decided to undertake a few years back and yes, it’s about the concept of “experience.”

Continuing on, he references a quote from a 1996 COMDEX speech by the great Dr. Andrew Grove, Intel CEO at the time, where he concluded the speech by stating, “…we need to look at our business as more than simply the building and selling of personal computers. Our business is the delivery of information and lifelike interactive experiences.” (My personal favorite quote from the man is, “Only the paranoid survive,” the same title as the book.)

He then goes on to explain how the transformation of SOLIDWORKS World into 3DEXPERIENCE World raises the value proposition for customers, showing their focus, not simply on SOLIDWORKS, but on the customer EXPERIENCE. So, what does that mean? It means:

  1. “…striving to foster a human-centric approach to technological advances and innovation, because we believe that design has to be for the service of human life, therefore, human enterprises have to work in harmony with nature and be inspired by nature.”
  2. “…experiences are also about creating a connection on a personal level. We want to know each of our users in order to deliver exactly the value they need and ask for, while also nurturing their growth by providing knowledge and know-how to achieve their goals.”
  3. “…experiences are inclusive; we want to open up new possibilities for everybody by supporting the creation of networks and marketplaces that reveal and promote excellence across our vast ecosystem.”

He concludes by saying:

We have always said that innovation happens at the intersection of science, art and technology. Now, we want our event to further expand along this axis and spark the passion for what we call the Authentic Design Experience.

“Authentic Design Experience” – I love it. Although, to complete it, I think it should be SOLIDWORKS Products Authentic Design Experience, and then turned into the acronym: S.P.A.D.E. with a shovel integrated with the logo…


Or better yet, DAVID SPADE holding a SPADE, serving as the new “3DEXPERIENCE EVANGELIST”…

SOLIDWORKS Spade with a Spade - 3DEXPERIENCE in your spade face.

And, of course, he would need to MC the all-new 3DEXPERIENCE World 2020 Conference. Don’t ya think? Magical.

You can read the complete explanation from GP on the evolution to 3DEXPERIENCE World at the SOLIDWORKS Blog.

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Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.