Few tools are as indispensable in the design engineer’s toolbox as a solid product visualization tool. After all, why wouldn’t you want to see your model rendered beautifully after hours of modeling in a drab CAD modeling environment?
And for many industrial designers, mechanical engineers, and artists today, KeyShot is the go-to tool for its ease-of-use and ability to crank out eye-watering renders at the click of a button. But while it may be an intuitive piece of kit that can crank out rendering within seconds of booting up, there’s a lot more power to be found once you get under the hood.
Among others who have maximized KeyShot’s capabilities in their industrial design engineering workflow is designer and CG artist Esben Oxholm. Lucky for us, he’s about to launch a video course that documents this process: An Introduction to Photographic Product Visualization Using KeyShot and Photoshop.
Says Esben:
This course is a downloadable step-by-step guide showing you how to create a photographic product visualization using KeyShot and Photoshop. Bite sized videos leads you comfortably through model import over custom material creation, composition and staging, tailor-made lighting to output and final post processing. Whether you’re beginner or intermediate user of KeyShot, I’m certain you’ll gain new skills that will leverage your future work.
Divided into 7 chapters, the course runs a total length of 2 hours 45 minutes and includes all of the models and resources used in the guide. Not a bad way to spend a slow day at the office.
Those who pre-purchase the course before it goes live at 5 PM EST on August 1st can grab it for just 12 bucks before the price jumps up to $20. Grab it here.