It’s embarrassing isn’t it? When you get caught in the garage with all the tires off, halfway between blowtorching the lower panels and wrapping tank tread around your freshly welded drive sprocket. Just tell your spouse the smell will dissipate over time. Then, quickly show them RC Speed Tank this to distract them.
Sven Drechsel has created a very simple RC tank project with the majority of the parts, even the tread, 3D printed. The rest of the projects involves some very basic electronics and screw-together assembly. This is a great beginner project for 3D printing and electronics, or for anyone interested in making a fun little RC toy. Since it’s a ‘Speed Tank’, you can bet it goes fast. How fast does it go? Sven says it’s a durable 25 km/h (15 MPH). Not too shabby! Here he is showing what it’s capable of IN THE SNOW.

You can download all the files on Thingiverse. The details and part list is in German, but you can find the translation below with parts sourced in the USA. There isn’t much in the way of schematics or assembly instructions, but the assembly .stl will get you half way there.
Part List
2X 540 35T engine and 60A Brushed ESC 2X Pinion Gear (Module 1 / 11 teeth)
2X Pinion Gear Adapter 5mm to 3.2mm
12X 8x22x7mm 608 Ball Bearings
12X 4x13x5mm 624 Ball Bearings
2x 2200mAh LiPo Battery
1X Flysky 2.4GHz 6-Channel Transmitter/Receiver
M4x15mm 8x
M4x60mm 12x
M3x20mm 4x
M3x10mm 4x
M3x45mm 84x
M4 20x
M3 88x
3D Printed Parts
2X Drive wheel
1X Basic plate
1X Front Bumper
1X Rear cover
84X Chain link
2X Caster chain tensioner
8X Caster
1X Side part mirrored
1X Side section
1X Stiffening mirrored
1X Stiffening
Everything is designed to be screwed together and modular for easy assembly/repair. The nut locations are designed to be press fit for quick installation. Depending on your print setting and material shrinkage, the bearings should also press fit.
The 42 chain links are connected with the M3x45mm screws, then secured with M3 nuts, which can also be secured with an anchor or glue. The “caster chain tension” adds tension to the track assembly and is mounted at the foremost caster since it’s a different size.
Print support
Part support is only necessary for the Caster, Caster Chain Tension, Drive Wheel, and Baseplate.
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