Welcome. It’s knee-slappin’, face-movin’ time again here on SolidSmack and this week we introduce to you Mr. Doob, who thought it a pleasant idea, in his Flash experimentation, to show you what it’s like to have a 3D scene position itself based on the position of you melon.

You can play with the mouse-driven version, but to really experience it, and you have to experience it, you can get in the Face tracking + 3D Scene action here if you have a webcam.

Here’s my face being tracked. Stupendous. Click to enlarge.

Video of Interface
This doesn’t come close to what it’s actually like, but you can get the idea.

The Potential in 3D CAD?
Face-tracking tech isn’t that new, but new applications are being tested and using it to manipulate space and objects is just one area that could be applied directly to the forehead of 3D CAD.

Maybe it’s not so practical to move your head around to rotate scenes or objects, but in 3-dimensional space it makes a lot of sense, even if you’re manipulating your scene and object with an input device (mouse, finger, gestures.)

This provides a little realism to your environment, but often you just need static views to work efficiently. That doesn’t mean a toggle for this kind of interaction couldn’t be used effectively.

Now, imagine this not only being applied to one’s face, but to areas for hands or fingers. As accuracy improves it’s feasible that the typically input devices could use, even advance this type of tech to push more interactive, 3-dimensional environments into the mix of our everyday workflow. Exicting? What do you think?


Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.