This is just too good not to pass along. Office Depot, the store I often go to just to take a nap in the chair displays then get asked to leave by a stockboy with a box knife, is offering a Seagate 3TB External Hard drive for just $150. This is 50 to 75 dollars below what you can get it for elsewhere online. There’s even a way to knock off an additional $25 and get free shipping. Here’s how to do it…
- Add the Seagate Expansion 3TB USB 2.0 External Hard Drive to your cart for $149.99
- Add this eraser to get your order over $150
- apply coupon code “48437290″ to cut the hard drive to $124.99 (plus eraser)
Yeah, it’s USB 2.0 and only 3TB, but hey what do you expect for $124.99?? This deal is going on till April 16th, so stop clipping coupons for avacados and start clipping those dollar bills you saved to your face. 3 terabytes of data storage baby! hooray!!
9to5mac via Dan Herzberg who sent this along because he’s obsessed with large storage devices. Thanks Dan!!