When the blankets last whipped the sides of the metal hull, the air and all the fur-bellied fire mages stood still. The blank drawn stares looking over the edges took it all in. There, the waters disappearing before their eyes suddenly being devoured by these links.

Rhafael Aseo – Incredible mix of color and intrgue that makes vector art look like paintings. The details in each of his works is simply perfect.
Title Scream – If your a fan of 8-bit video games and the title screens that went along with them, you’ll spend a good part of your morning remembering these.
PSD UI Elements – A great set of Web UI elements from Designmodo and Pixeden re4ady to make that new site design rock like anyone else that uses these.
SciXorx – You may need very tiny thumbs and a lot of patience to cut through that meat, but it would be a shame to pass up on a key-size pair of scissors.
New Rules of Work – Not so much new, as unspoken and should be followed on all accounts. Five posters to get the point across to those who need help.
Ninja – Sweet, stop-motion Ninja action to take you into the weekend.


UJosh ngumseki kunye nomhleli kwiSolidSmack.com, umsunguli eAimsift Inc., kunye nomseki-mbumba we-EvD Media. Uthatha inxaxheba kubunjineli, uyilo, ukubonwa, itekhnoloji iyenza ukuba yenzeke, kunye nomxholo ophuhliswe ngeenxa zonke. Ungumsebenzi oQinisekisiweyo weSolidWorks kwaye ugqwesa ekuweni kakubi.