Your carpal tunnel is about to have a sad face and you’re about to toss your mouse… set it aside at least. “NO! TOSS IT!” Ok, ok, throw that punk out the nearest window. Why? Wacom just dropped a discount bomb, launching its Spring Sale event, on Intuos and Cintiq tablets along with other deals…
After spending most of the year working on space-efficient products like the Intuos Pro Small pen tablet, Pro Pen Slim stylus, and the entry-level Cintiq 16 tablet, Wacom has decided to size things up with its newest addition to their pen display tablet line: the Wacom Cintiq 22. Built to be a larger version of the Cintiq 16 (they even…
It’s been awhile since we’ve heard from our favorite ID sketching master Spencer Nugent, but the one-man sketch machine hasn’t slowed down his hustle. Although he normally posts videos on various ID sketching-related sketch tutorials on his personal YouTube channel, the industrial designer recently took time to give us a three-way look at the new…
Lately we’ve been seeing quite a few discussions around various SolidSmack social media outlets discussing the best portable digital sketching tools. Sure, most people will gravitate towards an iPad and the Microsoft Surface based on cost and applications for other uses. However, if you consider yourself a professional designer with the need to have full-blown…
In what makes the first real Wacom news I’ve heard in a long while, a Cintiq 24HD was just givent the stamp of approval. This is according to Engadget, the tech blog whose writers devote more time combing through FCC filings than I spend combing through my hair. The new tablet has the nomenclature “24HD”…
Well, there’s been plenty of on-the-go excitement coming out of the Mobile World Congress (MWC) this week… who am I kidding. It’s mostly been tablet this and tablet that. They stand to be the ultimate tech toy this year and the variations of mobile computing companies are showing off are proof you’ll have plenty of…
You can shake whatever you want, but if you’re a photo editor, graphic artist or cutting edge product developer, you’re gonna have tremors of pen tablet euphoria when you hear Wacom has a product redesigned especially for you. It may not be news about a multi-touch Cintiq or a portable Cintiq, but the new Wacom…
There’s a multi-touch rash starting to spread across the butt-checks of CAD that no penetrating ointment will cure. So, when SolidWorks demonstrated their future platform independent MCAD platform it was no surprise to see some multi-touch features thrown into the mix. However, what’s supremely interesting is not the multi-touch, but the device being multi-touched. It’s…