I’m positive. If you could wrap yourself around a Subaru Turbocharged Car Engine and tear down the road, you would, you so would, and so would I. But the difference between you and I, is that I would have six bike flags and a license plate that read WHEELIE. No matter how you cruise, there’s…
Don your cap and uncomfortable rubber mask bat fiends. Your friends await the sound of harrowing theme music as you serve up equal portions of fear and justice around the neighborhood. It’s just what you’ll be doing with your head sticking out the top of your very own Mini-Tumbler Go-kart. Designed in SolidWorks and constructed…
You better have one of those fancy skin-tight ski suits with… ya know, skulls and shiny shapes on it, cause your skin is gonna peel right off your bones with this new ski concept. Charles Pyott had the idea of doubling the edge surface on a ski to help skiers maintain speed through turns and…
If your fear of needles send you into a fever-breaking sweat, there’s nano-technology being developed in the recesses of multiple research facilities that would eliminate the tension and danger of delivering meds to your drug-laden organs. The skin, being your largest organ, is the target of a transdermal patch with microneedles to get the juice…