Sponsored by Siemens PLM. “Large Assemblies” can be difficult to define. For some it’s a 100 part assembly, for others it’s 1000 parts, and still others it can be 10,000 parts and gigabytes of data.
There’s a shift going on in the 3D CAD industry. The shift from perpetual license pricing to monthly subscription pricing. Some will bring up those who have tried it before, the benefits and why it needs to happen faster. Suddenly however, it’s nearly 2016, and pay-as-you-go pricing models have been around a few years. We’ve…
Since they started coming up in CAD in the Cloud discussions earlier this year, Frame (fra.me) has shown no signs of slowing down their pursuit of allowing users to put any Windows application in their own personal Cloud. Among other reasons why the platform has been of interest is because it will allow users of…
It’s a big week for Solid Edge users and the SiemensPLM Solid Edge crew this week. They’re holding their first second, purely Solid Edge event and it’s going down in the annals of CAD Industry event history. Solid Edge University came about as a bit of a revolt by the Solid Edge users (and staff)…
I’ve always had a little bit of a problem with sustainability software. You jam some criteria into it and it throws a comparison of materials, location, the impact your choices have on the environment, and a pretty report you can give to your boss or client to prove you’ve done your research. The thing is,…
If you’re a student, educator or sly enough to get an .edu email from your alma mater, it’s your lucky day. Solid Edge has made Solid Edge Student Edition available for free. So, say you’re a parent who has been trying to convince a young mind about Synchronous Technology and the ability to float (somewhat…
This is a guest post from missile makin’, Engineer from Arizona, Scott Wertel of Wertel Enterprises. Solid Edge ST4 is one of those releases that I cherish, but is a marketer’s nightmare. I don’t remember the official number of improvements made in this version, but they focus more on specific customer requests to improve productivity…
This guest post comes courtesy of Mark Burhop, Social Media aficionado and Director of 3rd party Ecosystems at Siemens PLM. You can find Mark on Twitter, LinkedIn and near any coffee machine with the majority of components developed using Solid Edge. Hide your spouses. Get your kids under the bed. Solid Edge ST4 is out…
I’m looking upon the screen, at a presentation of Solid Edge ST3 at this very moment. The 3rd amalgamation of history-free and history-based design wrapped up in a simple phrase you comfort your children with, Synchronous Technology. I’m seeing it, but I can’t say anything about it. The pushing, the pulling, the Live Rules… taunting…
Sometimes you wake up in the morning, stretch, slap yourself and get a grin on your face right before screaming ‘PLM!’ in your best Robert DiNero voice. Sure, it’s completely traumatized the kids, but you’re amped and ready to start your day. It goes without saying then, that you’ll want a nice dose of what…