Vacuum forming is oftentimes a critical factor for many package designers during their prototyping stage when exploring manufacturing methods. And just like the physical product it houses, package designers employ prototyping processes for a variety of packaging types to ensure that their design helps unify the full customer experience—or at least, properly fit the finished…
While extremely versatile for a wide range of applications, there’s no denying that poorly-disposed PET plastics are affecting our ocean systems. To help counteract their contribution, Coca-Cola committed to manufacturing all of their bottles with at least 50% recycled plastics by the year 2030. So far, it looks like they’re on track. This month the…
From food manufacturers to e-commerce giants, the pressure is on to have at least some form of sustainable business practice as more consumers align with environmentally-friendly businesses. Loop is one way some larger brands are starting to dabble in becoming greener without resorting to completely uproot their existing supply chains. Created by recycling company TerraCycle, the online…
Often overlooked until the very end of a design process, package design can be a critical part of branding that strongly dictates how a consumer feels about a product before they even open it. While nobody is necessarily expected to operate in the upper echelon of Apple iPhone boxes (very expensive), there are better solutions…
Nobody will blame you if you’ve never taken a moment to think about the hard science behind a simple pizza delivery. After all, paying the driver and eating the pizza is usually the priority in any situation involving pizza. That said, everything from the carefully-placed humidity ventilation holes to the pizza saver dongles is the…
Despite more recent efforts to clean up plastic waste in our oceans, a recent prediction by the World Economic Forum forecasted that the total weight of plastics will be larger than the total weight of fish – specifically due to the overall rise of global consumption. But what if at least some of those numbers…
Tasked with re-packaging an existing product for semester-long Package Design course, industrial design student Jessica Stoll turned to creating a new user experience for one of the most iconic meals of our generation: The Big Mac Value Meal. Designed for an on-the-go lifestyle, the new package plays double duty as both a carrying purse and…
In an age of touchscreen devices and virtual reality headsets, it’s not too often when contemporary design looks back towards the Ice Age for inspiration – however London-based artist and designer Kentaro Yamada is anything but conventional. Previously, Yamada has created everything from an upside-down frozen aluminum pyramid to a software-generated sound installation that translates…
It happens to the best of us—that inevitable coffee drip or splash from ‘dinky’ coffee lids. Few things can spoil a morning faster than a sticky mess on your hand, a drip stain on your newly-pressed white shirt, or even a few drops on your co-worker’s meeting brief. It’s surprising that with as many coffee…
Love it or hate it, McDonalds food is here to stay. While little can be done to ween people off of the iconic convenience food, simple ways of re-thinking existing design elements in the McDonalds ecosystem can have a dramatic domino effect worldwide—15% of the total weight of a McDonalds order is packaging alone. Take…
This week EngineerVsDesigner sat down with one of the guys who is ridding the world of peanut butter knuckles one screw thread at a time…Mr. Spencer Vaughn! Spencer is one of the engineers behind the viral hit ‘Jar with a Twist’—a new take on packaging design that gives the user a constant ‘full jar effect’.…
Don’t let your eyes deceive you people…this is not a mockup or macro photography trickery. Inspired by the appearance of corrugated cardboard, Swedish design studio TAF recently designed the offices for Swedish branding and design agency NINE with interiors that resemble cardboard boxes—a well-played nod to the packaging design that happens within the agency’s walls.
With all the recent talk surrounding Apple’s iOS 7 redesign and the push for creating better harmony between software and hardware design, it’s easy to overlook an industry that has been tackling this design problem for years: the digital camera industry. Nikon’s design department recently released a video that takes us behind the scenes of…
Oh the joys of being able to put ‘Smack’ in a headline and having it actually rhyme. Don’t forget this day folks. DON’T FORGET IT. Not for the reason of rhyme, but for the very reason that Luxology, has automated package design ecology, and is crackin’ render scenes with no apology. Check the tech-nology.