Fins 10 feet tall shot from the placid surface. Upon their edges hung the weeds of the Dorsal Sea, thousands hitting the wind with speeds that sliced our skin with salt and light shooting from every stipe and blade between the rays of these links. Marc Simonetti – Currently working for MPC, the very talented…
Liniments and soliloquies permeated the ground cover. From whence did the oily salves and voices emanate? The shutter beneath the leaves were a sure sign they were below, and getting closer, ever after the sweet, syrupy, mesmerizing blinks of these links. Philipp Dobrusin – Got to love Philipp’s art of story telling. This concept artist…
A new docu-series on design is set to premiere February 10th on Netflix. The title, Abstract: The Art of Design. Now for those of us who like to peek behind the scene or tap into the minds of the creators, the series should be a doozy! As for me, I’m looking forward to seeing the episode…
Although we tend to stick to hardware development and design process news here on SolidSmack, we’ve been known to stretch our creative muscles a bit into other creative categories – because, why not? As suckers for documentations of any given creative process, we couldn’t help but ogle over the lastest Designed on Surface series release from…
Although existing cutaway and section view tools that exist in today’s CAD tools are incredibly reliable, they pale in comparison to the hand drawn detailed cutaway drawings that were – at one time- the most advanced form of communication for designers, engineers and manufacturers. Although cutaway illustrations have been used for centuries for everything from…
When the wind took our white knuckle fears, rapscallions of the air, nurtured on the updrafts, while stole away we lay in an aft cargo bay, living on rationed water and taro root, pistols at the ready to deliver these links. Dmitry Vishnevsky – Amazing set of environments and plenty process videos that shows you…
They brandished their coils, sharp, fearsome, dripping with the ink of ages. A nonlethal threat should they dry, buy nay, not a day past without a letter, a sketch, a note. The scribbles shook foundations built on stale fears, twisted tales and blinded thought. Never would they fall, with pens enchanted by these links. David…
When going along the shingled edge, busy with squirrels and dried paths of slugs, it’s best to recall the times that you fell, the lava below, the conch shell you blow that summons the cats and the list of these links as you dove. Nick Runge – A handful of incredible hand-painted cover illustration from…
Did you know that up until the early 20th century, it was mostly women who wore a wristwatch? The concept of wearing watches on the wrist dates back to the earliest 16th Century version that was crafted by Robert Dudley in 1571 and given to Elizabeth I of England as an arm watch. Men mostly…
Victory I say! Thou art no match for me. I have vanquished thine crusted, burnt and baked-on food parts fused deep within thine ‘non-stick’ grooves. Thou shall not claim the prize this time foul beast of pressed steel. Thine mass-produced brethren shriek and heat evenly at the site of my blistered scrub nubs. I have…
Each lens dropped the slates of yellow hard against the floor, blurred vertical by the acceleration and increased afterburn of the jump jets. If there were any charred remnants, crispins of fur or chattered casings, it would lay beneath the protective coating of these links. Duarte Pires – Thick lines, bright color in a range…
I bet, next to those dusty engineering and design textbooks on the shelf, you have a few picture books that have led to endless inspiration since you were a child. No? A comic book? Dilbert? *cringe* Nothing? Well, perhaps you had a favorite as a child, There Are Rocks in My Socks! or Where the…
…And you should get in your imaginary Dymaxion Car right now and head over to Kickstarter to help make it a reality. Illustrator Cole Gerst of Portland, Oregon was blessed by the Buckmister Fuller estate to pursue the project, which features over 200 full-color, beautifully illustrated pages. Move your white Dieter Rams book over and…