Disclaimer: This exercise was purely for experimental and exploratory purposes. Although I hoped that I would gain insights on how to better sketch in perspective by transferring the 2 point cube sketch into SOLIDWORKS, the success of the exercise wasn’t tied to the outcome. Sometimes, it’s fun to try things and follow one’s instinct…
ميڊيڪل ڊيوائسز لاءِ ٽيسٽ فيڪچرز ڊزائين ڪرڻ دوران تي ، مون حاصل ڪيو آھي قيمتي صنعت جو علم ۽ حقيقي دنيا جو تجربو جيڪو مان توھان سان شيئر ڪرڻ چاھيان ٿو توھان جي سکڻ جي وکر کي تيز ڪرڻ ۾. ا today's جي گولڊن ٽپ ۾ ، مان وضاحت ڪندس ته ڪيئن 3D printedپيل سپورٽ اصل ۾ ڪارڪردگيءَ کي متاثر ڪري سگھن ٿا. ھن مون کي حيران ڪري becauseڏيو becauseاڪاڻ ته عام طور تي tipsه تجويزون شيئر ڪيون ويون جڏھن… The best way to learn something is by a technique called spaced repetition, flashcards. I’ve made 180 flashcards so that you can pass the Solidworks CSWP with a 100% score like I did. I utilized the following resources to compose the flashcards: -Gabriel Corbett’s Linkedin Learning CSWP course *BONUS: Did you know that… It can be inspiring to listen to smart people talk about what motivates them and learn what habits have enabled their success. I co-host “Being an Engineer,” a podcast centered around engineers and what makes them tick. As my co-host Aaron Moncur and I have shared the privilege of interviewing over 50 engineers and…