As purveyors of prime Grade A web content, the SolidSmack crew has done some of the heavy-lifting to make sure you get your Mondays started on the right track.

Welcome to The Monday List.

Every Monday, we link you up with some of the most insightful, informative, and socially-relevant stories to keep tabbed, bookmarked, reading listed, pocketed, or what have you to get your week started on the right foot. Be sure to check in each week for a new crop of freshly sprouted words curated straight from the source of your favorite homegrown ‘Smack.

What We’re Reading This Week:

The Decline and Fall of the Modern Nerd

The sad saga of how fandom transformed from being about love into hate and intolerance.

The Decline and Fall of the Modern Nerd

How to Find Fossils

Look for fossils in sedimentary rock, including sandstone, limestone and shale, preferably where the earth has been cleaved by road cuts, construction sites, rivers or streams. 

How to Find Fossils

Your Company Should Let You Work From Anywhere

Today there are about 44 million unpaid caregivers in the U.S., about the same number of people who watched the final Game of Thrones season.

Your Company Should Let You Work From Anywhere

This Pizza Pays a Living Wage

Fast-casual chain &Pizza wants to become the most progressive fast-food employer in the U.S.

This Pizza Pays a Living Wage

A.I. and the Future of Cheating

What happens when universities can’t tell whether an essay is written by a human or an algorithm?

A.I. and the Future of Cheating

Is It O.K. if College Students Hire Me to Revise Their Papers?

I am a freelance editor and have been offered a position “copy-editing and organizing” college students’ research papers and essays. The work sounds interesting, but I’m not sure that it’s ethical.

Is It O.K. if College Students Hire Me to Revise Their Papers?