„Брилијантен, велиш?“ Зошто, тоа е само половина лушпа што ја направив во цврст сет на жабри во основата на моето торзо. За среќа, тие се вградени под мојата кожа, обезбедуваат бесконечни количини на високо концентриран кислород поради тоа што се натопени преку ноќ во SolidSmack Cool Tools of Doom n 'Stuff! Дали имате нешто кул што наидовте? Не го кријте во кожата на вратот! Испратете го на smoth@www.solidsmack.comНа Удри го!

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Cool Tools of Doom: 1:08 од ЕВД Медиа on Vimeo.

SolidSmack Cool Tools of Doom n 'Stuff is GO. Ова видео е карактеристика под 5 минути на некои од најкул откритија што ги откривме на интернет.

Оваа недела погледнете:

606 – Two designs this week, just to prove we’re not completely low class when it comes to stylish design accoutrements to deck out your downtown loft. The 606 Universal Shelving system by Dieter Rams is our fav way to save space. Classy and classic, Find it at Vitsoe.com or, with an insane amount of luck, on Craigslist.
Roll and Hill – The fab light designs from Roll and Hill make us want to burn our oculars with the rays shot from 10-bulb chandeliers. Not your typical chandelier mind you. The modern design is iron, glass, clean lines and a high price. Check out all the lights at Roll and Hill.com

Redshift Astronomy – Okay, so by now we’re all familiar with the latest Mars Expedition and probably have just a little bit more interest in space. That I do Josh and with the Redshift Astronomy app, you can sound like an astronaut from the comfort of your own Lazy Boy. 3D Flights, 100,000 stars, and a slew of other nifty astronomy tools. $11.99 on iTunes.
Апликација НАСА – And if carrying an astronomy reference guide of that caliber seems like too much, be sure to check out the free NASA App for iPad. Live Streaming NASA TV that includes videos from around the agency, as well as updated Twitter feeds and Official Countdown Clocks. For iOS and Android!

Adalight – If fear of leaving your house keeps you from enjoying a good light show set to music, grab the Adalight LED Project kit. Create realtime ambient lighting effects all over your home. It’s a great way to get familiar with Arduinos and a little Processing. Price? $50 at Adafruit.
PaperCraft Resistor Helper – And to help you or your kiddos along the way to ultimate electronic knowledge, what about the PaperCraft Resistor Helper . I love it, papery and totally helps me figure out resistor values. Print it out, fold it up and find values for 4 and 5 band type resistors. Free on Adafruit.

стик – The computer has been reinvented. The iStick is a $69 USB Stick sized computer with Multi-Touch and 3D acceleration. 1 Gig of memory, 4 Gigs of storage, supports mouse and keyboard. Android based, but powerful enough to make your jaw drop.
LaCie Rugged Key – And if a portable computer wasn’t good enough, how about adding 32 giga bitties of storage. The LaCei (Lah-see) RuggedKey can stand up to a 100 meter drop. It has those USB 3 transfer speeds and comes with the coolest orange cover you’ll ever see.

Што има за каџанки?
Videos 24-31 of our Classical Guitar Series will be releasing over the next week ladies and gentlemen. In this sequence we’ll be finalizing the neck surfaces, the headstock, and the peg holes. Stop by cadjunkie.com for a quick peek and be sure to sign up for the Cadjunkie newsletter to stay on top of what’s happening.

Што има инженер наспроти дизајнер?
И оваа недела натаму Инженер Vs Дизајнер we’ll be talking to Duann Scott of Shapeways. Don’t miss it!! Listen на iTunes или на EngineervsDesigner.com

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Oshош е основач и уредник на SolidSmack.com, основач на Aimsift Inc. и ко-основач на EvD Media. Тој е вклучен во инженерството, дизајнот, визуелизацијата, технологијата што го прави и содржината развиена околу неа. Тој е сертифициран професионалец во SolidWorks и се одликува со непријатно паѓање.