Best Colander
The Best Colander of 2021 from QIMH


димензии: 15.50 "x 10.30" x 5.00 "

Капацитет: 6 кварци

материјал: силиконска

Бои: Clue, Cyan Blue, Green, Malachite Green, Pink, and Red

Машина за миење садови: Да


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  • Available in 6 colors: blue, cyan blue, green, malachite green, pink, and red.
  • It can be washed by hand or through the машина за миење садови.
  • Collapsible for easy storage.
  • The handles can extend for hands-free draining of water.
  • Made of thick silicone and the support sections of the body are sturdy.

Целосен преглед:

The colanders we know commonly come in metal forms. They are indeed functional, but storing them can be problematic. Our SolidSmack Household Appliance and Tool Research Team looked for the best colander offering innovative features to resolve this problem. With this, check out this model that prevailed among the 19 colanders we tested this 2021.

QIMH Collapsible Colander
QIMH Collapsible Colander

Far from the conventional steel models in the market, this colander from QIMH is silicone. This material, however, doesn’t make it less durable than its metal rivals. Its body is thick and the supports are rigid BPA-free materials. Moreover, the fact that this colander is silicone allows it to collapse for easy storage. You can reduce its 4.72” body to 1.69” in under a second by just pushing it down.

collapsing the QIMH colander
You can reduce the colander’s 4.72” body to 1.69” in under a second by just pushing it down.

What makes it more attractive is the ability of the handles to extend. The colander basket measures 10” x 7” while the folded handles serving as the basket’s support are 15.55” x 10.2”. When you pull the handles, they will extend up to 24”. You can let the handles sit on the edge of the sink to elevate the basket. And with the basket now hanging over the sink floor, you can now just let the content rest in the basket to allow the excess water to drip down automatically.

extended handles of QIMH Colander
The QIMH colander has handles that can extend up to 24″, which can elevate the basket for hands-free food straining.

We also really admire the handles’ non-slip texture, which assures you they won’t slip even on slippery sinks. On the other hand, if you want to use it as a basket on your counter, you will appreciate its anti-skid feet, which can keep it steady on surfaces.

capacity of QIMH Colander
The QIMH colander has a considerable capacity, allowing you to wash numerous vegetables and fruits simultaneously.

This 2021 best colander also scored high in our test when it comes to capacity. It can handle up to 6 quarts, which is enough for 5 pounds of grapes or a bunch of vegetables you need to wash simultaneously. It can also tolerate up to 167°F, making it acceptable for draining water from тестенини and other hot food items.

QIMH Colander FAQs:

Дали е безбеден за миење садови?

  • Yes, the QIMH is dishwasher-safe.

What is the capacity of the basket?

  • The basket has a 6-quart capacity.

Is the colander BPA-free?

  • Yes, the QIMH is free from BPA and other toxins.

How deep is the basket of the colander?

  • The depth of the basket measures 4.5 inches.

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