Ten times the bow dipped and the bow slipped beneath the pale gray waves. Then out from the shore, the beams struck our path, through a sea writhing with the tentacles of these links.

Pablo Dominguez – Incredible array of ships, scenes, creatures and more with experiments in VR modeling from this ILM Concept Artist.

Beatbox ENT – Tom Thum, beatboxer extraordinaire, has Dr. Matthew Broadhurst, an Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon, show you what happens when he makes those sounds.

Surf Physics – And then there’s this from TED-Ed – An animation that explains the physics behind surfing and surfboard design.

Dekaymotion – Instagram follow of the week. DeeKay Kwon is the creator of the wonderful (relatable) Designer & Client series.

Colourise.sg – Colourise your black and white photos.

The Internet in a Minute – This is an infographic of notable things that happen on the internet in just one minute (and comparison with last year). So. Much. Stuff.

Mirror Shots – Six types of photographs you can take with a mirror.

Panther ProgettoUno – Modern reimagining of the 19070’s Pantera by ARES DESIGN. A V10 with 650 HP.

Pi Song – Yesterday was 3.14. Canton Becker created a song based on the first one billion digits of Pi (π) that lasts for 999,999,999 hours (114 years).

How to Draw Buildings – Artist Tom McPherson takes you through the process of drawing Brighton Pavilion using a 4B pencil.

Takeover – Metal n’ Bass crew Zardonic with a new one featuring

YouTube video


Josh is founder and editor at SolidSmack.com, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.