The iPhone 5. Weeks away, yet there’s sure to be someone already camping out in anticipation of launch day being announced. Well, you yourself don’t have to neglect your better senses quite yet, and can get your iPhone accessory-buying fix before news of the phone even hits the web waves. FurnLab just launched a new Kickstarterter project that gets you access to the first custom wood skin for the iPhone 5 and, well, they’re simply gorgeous.

Wood iPhone 5 Skins by FurnLab

It’s likely you’re familiar with they brains behind these succulent skins. Jeffrey Matthias has written for SolidSmack and is the founder of FurnLab. Furnlab, based in Denver, Colorado, creates an wide variety of incredible laser cut wood designs, most highly cusomizable. Strange enough, the iPhone skin product came out of another project.

Our original iPhone 4/4S skin was developed as a low-level reward for a different Kickstarter project that was never launched. We got such positive feedback from everyone who saw the skins that we turned them into a product of their own.

The iPhone skins are made from pure, 100% earth-grown, rich-grain Walnut, comes with side and corner wraps and sticks to that smartphone with easily removable 3M adhesive.

FurnLab already manufactures skins for the iPhone 4/4s (you can snag those in their store if you’re not upgrading) and you can see from the examples below that they are minimal, elegant and able to be customized with just about any graphic you like. Standard skins start at $25, custom skins start at $40. Back the project to get yours now. Do it!


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.