As you gaze far off into the distance, a quiet rumble begins. The tremor is felt through the ground. Your ear hairs quiver. Your nostrils quake. Then suddenly, like a caffeinated clown exploding amidst a plume of fire, it appears, the SolidSmack Cool Tools of Doom n’ Stuff. Have something cool you’ve come across? Don’t hide it in your neck skin! Send it on in to Kick it!
How to Watch/Listen
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Watch the embedded video below!
Cool Tools of Doom: Episode 1:03 from EvD Media on Vimeo.
Cool Tools of Doom and Stuff: Episode 1:03
The SolidSmack Cool Tools of Doom n’ Stuff is GO. This video is a sub-5 minute feature of some of the coolest finds we’ve discovered on the web.
This week look at:
AdOnIt Jot Pro – You need a stylus. I need a stylus! You do. I’ve tried many a stylus and although a pressure sensitive one for the iPad doesn’t exist yet, there is one I like more than any other. The Jot Pro from AdOnIt is the most accurate and pencil like one I’ve used. Comfy, minimal and magnetic to boot!
Robochair – There are just not enough chairs in the world. Correction. Make that, Robot chairs. The Robochair is a Kickstarter project with a fresh and quite stylish take on sitting. It’s made of Baltic Birch plywood, comes completely assembled and folds to double as wall art!
Chrome for iPhone – Google has finally come to your rescue. Saving you from the pain of using the standard iPhone browser. Yes, Chrome for iPhone is finally here, with all the speed, syncing and tabbed browsing you know and love.
Build with Chrome – And what’s this? Building LEGO cities atop Google Maps? Yes Johnny, tell them what they’ve won! Build is a joint effort between LEGO and Google that allows you to create 3-dimensional LEGO creations along with your friends. Get the app in the Chrome store now!
DIY Sugru – We’ve all heard of the magical, wonderful hacktastic, rubbery, clay material called Sugru. Now, you can make your own thanks to a ingenious Instructable. The moldable silicone alternative is called Oogoo. Cast, shape and cut it. Just like regular Sugru. Thanks Mr. Eric Young!
Lasso Shoes – Have you ever wanted to make your own shoes? It’s possible and the Lasso shoe is the easiest process to make them. While this doesn’t show you the steps to do it, the animated image shows the felt flat pattern and lace to get you going. From there, the endless possibilities are yours.
Korable blocks – Learning a new language. A lovely designs. That’s what Karable blocks are all about. Learn over 100 words in the Korean language with these blocks that help you learn the symbols. Goes perfect with a side of spicy Kimchi!
Patterns in Illustrator – Patterns. They use to be a pain to create in Adobe Illustrator. No more! With CS6 you now have a Pattern Editing Mode that allows you to see your pattern in action. This tutorial shows you how to put the power of patterns in your own hand.
What’s on cadjunkie?
What do we have happening at cadjunkie? Well, well, well, we’ve just published the first three videos in a Rhino series called ‘Tip o’ the Horn‘. Awesome Rhino tricks and workflow tips from Scott Schneider, Viz FX creator. The guy we interviewed on Engnineer vs Designer that does all those cool sets? Yes, indeed.
What’s on Engineer vs Designer?
Speaking of EngineerVsDesigner, tune in each Monday, or subscribe via iTunes, for a fresh interview. This week we talk with Cassidy Clawson, Head of GO NOW!
Ask SolidSmack
And there you have it! Send your cool tool finds to Or ask us a question in the comments or via email about diy, design, tech or anything else. Smoth would love to help.
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