How can something be ancient? And 3D printed? Because we’re IN THE FUTURE. It’s like the answer to why it smells like beer and cigarettes in here. Because WE HAVE CATS. (Name the reference!)

But really, it’s not like you’re going to walk downtown and find an ancient skull artifact unburying itself from the sidewalk. So, what better way to get one in your hands, or give to a loved one as a gift, than to 3D print that sucka out yourself.

Kim of has created just what we need – This is a cool, ultra-ancient looking 3d printed skull that’s so fancy it could double as a door knocker, light shade or coffee table in your Victorian-era dream home filled with artifacts that make people say, “Well, I do declare, this place makes my chin hairs quiver.”

3d printed ancient skull

See? Totally fancy, in’t it? Kim modeled this up in ZBrush and used a Flashforge Creator Pro to print this beauty out with a 4%+ infill. She has provided two models – one which will require supports and a second that may or may not depending on what 3D printer you have.

You can view the complimentary Instructable where she shows how to paint it, going from spraying on the primer to adding the base coat, then on to getting that cool green shading highlight. But, if you just want to keep it unpainted, as Mike Vol shows us, you can drill at the bottom to light it up.

Boom. And just in time for the Halloweens. You can download the ancient skull artifact on Thingiverse and view the paint how-to on Instructables. (BONUS! Check out Kimbolt’s Fancy Skull #1 that is just as awesome!)

Have a model you think everyone needs? Share the link and details with us here!


3d printed skull


Josh is founder and editor at, founder at Aimsift Inc., and co-founder of EvD Media. He is involved in engineering, design, visualization, the technology making it happen, and the content developed around it. He is a SolidWorks Certified Professional and excels at falling awkwardly.