The touch-aware team over at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) has developed a wearable device to keep you from touching your mug and spreading diseases from your filthy hands.
Yeah, I see you getting ready to scratch your nostril. DON’T DO IT. Don’t Touch! Or as my college roommate used to say, “손대지 마!!!”
Yes, as COVID concerns crumble with countries and states beginning to lift their tests of totalitarian authority, parliamentary panic ebbing ever lower, and people escaping their fear-induced isolation, there are ‘Things You Need To Stay Safe™”! One of those things is the wearable device from JPL that warns you of impending disease spread.
PULSE is a 3D-printed wearable device that pulses, or vibrates, when a person’s hand is nearing their face. This is a simple and affordable technology that can easily be reproduced and is available as open source on Github. As health officials advised the world to wash hands, social distance, and wear a face mask, JPL developed PULSE as another way to assist efforts to keep us as healthy as possible. As an open source item, we hope individuals or companies will replicate, refine or enhance PULSE and make it available for distribution.
That’s right 6-foot aparty people, make it your own, make a dozen and give to your friends, keep youself AND others from touching your face. While JPL says it’s one more way to keep us healthy, I’d expand the applications and say it’s a complete anti-face-touching solution, a Don’t-Touch-Your-Face-inator for thumbsuckers, prolific nail biters, nose-pickers, ear-diggers, head-scratchers or any other variety of horrible hand-to-face habitry.
It uses simple components in a 3D printed pendant-style case attached to cord and tied around your neck. The team recommends PLA material, preferably a dark color to prevent the sensor from reading false motion as you move about and emerge from your caccoon. The component list includes an IR sensor, a PNP transistor, a 1k Ohm resistor, a small slide switch, a small vibration motor, heat shrink, a 3V CR3032 battery and corresponding battery holder.

The two-piece model is provided in .stl format for both FDM and SLA printing. The shame when you go to touch your face is provided by you. You can download the files, view wiring info, and assembly instructions on the NASA JPL GitHub page and learn more about the project over at JPL. 손대지 마!!!
Have a model you think everyone needs? Share the link and details with us here!